Cepot is the name used in Sundanese (West Java – Indonesia), this puppet’s birthplace. Bagong is the more common name in the rest of Java [...]

Still team-up with Ruang Antho and not so new Bajaj from Paper-Replika for you… Have Fun As Always! Sundul Gan! [...]

Warung Tegal is a kind of gastronomic businesses that provide food and drinks at affordable prices [...]

James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix (born Johnny Allen HendrixNovember 27, 1942 - September 18, 1970) was an American guitarist and singer-songwriter [...]

Cepot – When The Clown-Servant Became A Knight – Papertoy Kaskus Emoticon Papertoys Warteg Jimi Hendrix Papertoy

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After Spider-Man's newer powers developed in "The Other", Tony Stark (Iron Man) developed a new suit for Peter, which he began wearing in The Amazing Spider-Man #529. Nicknamed the "Iron Spider" costume, it is red and gold: according to Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada, "Stark's design, Stark's color!" The suit was designed by Quesada, based on a sketch by Chris Bachalo. The suit's appearance has had a mixed reception from fans.

Supported by a system similar to that of Stark's classic Iron Man design, it features many gadgets, including three mechanical spider-arms, or "waldoes," that can be used to see around corners (via cameras in the tips) and to manipulate objects indirectly. Stark describes them as too delicate to use in combat, yet Spider-Man shortly afterward uses them to smash through the sensors in Titanium Man's helmet. Later on during the Civil War storyline, he uses them, (reluctantly), during his fight with Captain America.

source : wikipedia

Download Link : Iron Spider Papertoy

source : Paperkrap

Cepot is the name used in Sundanese (West Java – Indonesia), this puppet’s birthplace. Bagong is the more common name in the rest of Java. Originating in the Javanese culture, Cepot / Bagong, clown and servant, has been added to the great Hindu epics, including the Mahabharata.

According to Javanese legend, when the God Ismaya was ordered to go down to earth and become Semar, the guardian of the Knight, the great royal warrior class in Hinduism, Ismaya complained that he would be lonely and needed a friend. The gods caustically replied that he could have his shadow as a friend. When he reached the earth, Semar’s shadow transformed itself into a human form and took the name of Cepot or Bagong.

Almost identical in appearance to Semar, Cepot became one of the panakawan, clown-servants to the Knight. Noted for his impish, sassy jokes and ability to mimic others, using a loud, self-important voice, Cepot and his family of clowns add comic relief to the drama of the ancient Hindu stories. Outwardly stupid, the panakawan in reality are the common sense advisors of the more lofty knights and mask their wisdom with clumsy, lower-class behavior. (wikipedia, windsong, lv-imports)

Grab the paper toy template here

source : salazad

Still team-up with Ruang Antho and not so new Bajaj from Paper-Replika for you…

Have Fun As Always! Sundul Gan!


source : salazad

Warung Tegal is a kind of gastronomic businesses that provide food and drinks at affordable prices. Ordinary also abbreviated Warteg, this name seemed to have become the generic term for middle-class diner down the road, both located in the town of Tegal(Central Java, Indonesia) and elsewhere, both run by people from Tegal as well as from regional other.

Moreover, because at first many stalls run by people from three villages in which villagers Sidapurna Tegal, Sidakaton & Krandon, District Dukuhturi Tegal regency. They manage dry stall in turns (between families in single family ties) every 3 to 4 month. That is not their turn to manage shop usually farming in his hometown. Managing dry stall in Jakarta that the original person is usually incorporated in a Cooperative Tegal Warung Tegal, which is popular with the abbreviation Kowarteg. Kowarteg are still headed by Sastoro.

Download Link : Warteg Papercraft

source : paperkrap

James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix (born Johnny Allen HendrixNovember 27, 1942 - September 18, 1970) was an American guitarist and singer-songwriter. He is widely considered to be the greatest electric guitarist in musical history, and one of the most influential musicians of his era across a range of genres.

After initial success in Europe with his group The Jimi Hendrix Experience, he achieved fame in the United States
following his 1967 performance at the Monterey Pop Festival. Later, Hendrix headlined the iconic 1969 Woodstock Festival and the 1970 Isle of Wight Festival. He often favored raw overdriven amplifiers with high gain and treble and helped develop the previously undesirable technique of guitar amplifier feedback. Hendrix, as well as his friend Eric Clapton, popularized use of the wah-wah pedal in mainstream rock which he often used to deliver an exaggerated pitch in his solos, particularly with high bends, complex guitar playing, and use of legato. As a record producer, Hendrix also broke new ground in using the recording studio as an extension of his musical ideas. He was one of the first to experiment with stereophonic phasing effects for rock recording.

source : wikipedia

Download : Jimi Hendrix Papertoy

Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Rovio Mobile in which players use a slingshot to launch various birds at pigs stationed on or within various structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs.

Little Plastic Man is proud to give you Angry Birds in paper!

Download your very own Paper Angry Birds.

Cara Membuat Paper Replika

1. Sediakan model yang akan dibuat. Model didapat dari beberapa sumber seperti majalah, internet, bahkan bisa buat sendiri dari file 3-Dimensi.
Referensi : www.paper-replika.com, www.hobikit-kertas.com, www.salazad.com, http://gadget92.blogspot.com/,ichinogami.blogspot.com dan banyak lagi.

2. Setelah mendapat model yang disuka, Print model tersebut di kertas khusus. Kamu bisa memakai kertas InkJet Paper 100gr/120gr, Briefcard 160gr atau Jasmine 175gr, dan jenis kertas lain.
Penting untuk diperhatikan : jenis kertas jangan terlalu tipis dan jangan terlalu tebal.

3. Setelah diprint, saatnya pemotongan dilakukan. Pemotongan dapat memakai cutter atau gunting, sesuai dengan selera dan objek yang akan dipotong. Jika objek pemotongan terlalu kecil, disarankan memakai cutter.

4. Sesaat setelah dipotong, lakukan scoring atau penandaan garis lipatan. Dapat dilakukan dengan pulpen kosong atau garis setengah kekuatan dengan cutter kepada setiap garis lipatan di model kertas.

5. Kemudian, saatnya merakit..!! Gabungkan setiap potongan dengan lem sesuai dengan instruksi perakitan atau gambar referensi.

6. Nikmati model kertas mu..!! Model kertas ini dapat kamu jadikan kado, souvenir, kenang-kenangan, pajangan, atau bahkan sarana untuk narsis kepada lawan jenis.. :D :D

Alat yang digunakan

Peralatan dasar :
1. Cutter, untuk memotong bagian kecil
2. Gunting, untuk memotong bagian yang agak besar
3. Lem (Fox/UHU), sebagai perekat antar-bagian
4. Penggaris Besi, sebagai panduan untuk cutter

Peralatan khusus :
1. Pinset, sebagai pengganti jari untuk menahan bagian pengeleman
2. Cutter Pen, Cutter khusus yang ujungnya lebih kecil daripada biasanya.
3. Cutting Mat, sebagai alas potong, anti slip, tidak merusak cutter, dan awet
4. Isolasi, untuk menambal kertas yang tidak sengaja sobek
Peralatan khusus :
1. Pinset, sebagai pengganti jari untuk menahan bagian pengeleman
2. Cutter Pen, Cutter khusus yang ujungnya lebih kecil daripada biasanya.
3. Cutting Mat, sebagai alas potong, anti slip, tidak merusak cutter, dan awet
4. Isolasi, untuk menambal kertas yang tidak sengaja sobek

sumber : kaskus

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