Cepot is the name used in Sundanese (West Java – Indonesia), this puppet’s birthplace. Bagong is the more common name in the rest of Java [...]

Still team-up with Ruang Antho and not so new Bajaj from Paper-Replika for you… Have Fun As Always! Sundul Gan! [...]

Warung Tegal is a kind of gastronomic businesses that provide food and drinks at affordable prices [...]

James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix (born Johnny Allen HendrixNovember 27, 1942 - September 18, 1970) was an American guitarist and singer-songwriter [...]

Cepot – When The Clown-Servant Became A Knight – Papertoy Kaskus Emoticon Papertoys Warteg Jimi Hendrix Papertoy

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Iron Spider

After Spider-Man's newer powers developed in "The Other", Tony Stark (Iron Man) developed a new suit for Peter, which he began wearing in The Amazing Spider-Man #529. Nicknamed the "Iron Spider" costume, it is red and gold: according to Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada, "Stark's design, Stark's color!" The suit was designed by Quesada, based on a sketch by Chris Bachalo. The suit's appearance has had a mixed reception from fans.

Supported by a system similar to that of Stark's classic Iron Man design, it features many gadgets, including three mechanical spider-arms, or "waldoes," that can be used to see around corners (via cameras in the tips) and to manipulate objects indirectly. Stark describes them as too delicate to use in combat, yet Spider-Man shortly afterward uses them to smash through the sensors in Titanium Man's helmet. Later on during the Civil War storyline, he uses them, (reluctantly), during his fight with Captain America.

source : wikipedia

Download Link : Iron Spider Papertoy

source : Paperkrap

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