Cepot is the name used in Sundanese (West Java – Indonesia), this puppet’s birthplace. Bagong is the more common name in the rest of Java [...]

Still team-up with Ruang Antho and not so new Bajaj from Paper-Replika for you… Have Fun As Always! Sundul Gan! [...]

Warung Tegal is a kind of gastronomic businesses that provide food and drinks at affordable prices [...]

James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix (born Johnny Allen HendrixNovember 27, 1942 - September 18, 1970) was an American guitarist and singer-songwriter [...]

Cepot – When The Clown-Servant Became A Knight – Papertoy Kaskus Emoticon Papertoys Warteg Jimi Hendrix Papertoy

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Kaskus Emoticon Papertoys

Still team-up with Ruang Antho and not so new Bajaj from Paper-Replika for you…

Have Fun As Always! Sundul Gan!


source : salazad

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